From the time man started using glass for different purposes, man had to repair glass. Glass is one of the most used materials in daily life. Since man learned how to produce it, glass was present in almost all aspect of society. Either used for decorations or for more functional purposes, glass is and will be an integral part of people’s lives. But glass, as all material can sustain damage; so, people had to come up with glass repair methods in order to preserve what couldn’t be replaced. With the evolution of technology, and with it of the process of making glass, repairs became replacements. And nowhere can this transformation be seen better than in the process of window glass replacement.
Depending on the size of the damage, and the way it affected the structural integrity of the entire object, glass can or cannot be repaired. Small chips and cracks and be easily masked or snuffed out by almost anyone. Modern solutions, like transparent resin and others, make life easy when dealing with small damaged areas. Although the steps that need to be taken to repair glass are straight forward, the best thing to do is to seek specialized help from skilled glass workers.
Glass repair can be hazardous if done wrongly and can result in serious injuries and in even more damage to the glass piece. Safety gear is a must when working with damaged glass, and it is best that no more than the people actually doing the work be present. Attention to detail is also paramount in order to skillfully avoid the damaged area spreading.
After assessing the situation, the area must be prepared. It has to be free of any debris. Even the smallest shards can render the whole operation useless. For this, gloves are to be worn at all times in order to prevent injuries and to avoid any biological residue from the hands settling on the work surface.
The next step is filling the cracks in the glass with the resin. For small jobs, anyone can purchase a special glass repair kit from almost any hobby or hardware store. It comes with all the essentials needed for small repairs and fixes around the house. Bear in mind that this type of kit, although useful, is not recommended for big projects. In case of extensive damage and large scale objects, professional help is required and advised.
One of the most common glass objects found all over the world is the glass window. It comes in many shapes and forms and has been around since medieval times. It has changed the way people perceive the world and has opened the way to a whole new way of constructing buildings.
But, as useful as it is for protecting people against the elements while letting them observe nature from a safe place, the window glass has its limitations. One of them is that it is subject to breaking. And, how telling a broken plate you’re sorry doesn’t put it back, neither does a window glass become whole again after it has been broken. The simplest solution is replacing the glass.
Window glass replacement, although simple in theory, can pose a series of problems. First of them is the risk a non-professional exposes himself to when trying to go about it without the proper skills and tools. The best course of action in such situations is contacting a professional.
Replacing window glass involves a series of steps and the use of special material and tools.
Some of those are:
• Safety goggles
• Work gloves
• Chisel
• Glazing putty
• Tape measure
• Pencil
• Pane of glass (cut to measure)
• Glazier’s points
• Safety goggles
• Work gloves
• Chisel
• Glazing putty
• Tape measure
• Pencil
• Pane of glass (cut to measure)
• Glazier’s points
After securing the above mentioned items, the process of window glass replacement consists of:
1. Removing the window with the broken glass from the frame.
2. Placing the window on a work surface and removing the glaze and glaziers’ points from the frame using a chisel.
3. Fill the channel in the frame the new glass will fit in with thin rolls of glazing putty
4. Place new glass into the frame.
5. Add glaziers’ points around the glass and into the frame.
6. Fill the remaining channel space around the glass with additional putty for a better fix.
7. Allow glazing putty to dry.
8. Re-install the window into the frame.
Although the process may seem pretty simple and straight forward, it involves taking some risks which can be avoided if working with a professional. Both replacing and repairing glass is a job better left to the pros.
If you’re looking for best glass repair specialists, or the best window glass replacement team be sure to do your research and make the right choice.
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