If you are in Charlottesville, you hold or own heroin, marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, LSD or other drug substances and you are caught, you will be accused of drug possession or possession of controlled substances unlawfully. All substances indexed in Virginia’s statutory drug classification are considered controlled substances and it’s illegal to have any of them under your control.
There are strict laws for possession of controlled substances in Virginia. If you are charged, then expect a full force investigation. You can be charged if you are caught trying to sell them or even if they are in a place where you have access to them.
Consequences for possession of controlled substances
The range of consequences can vary from a fine to 10+ years of jail. The variation is dependent on the drug classification and your grade of implication in the process of selling and distribution.
There are six categories for controlled substances, from the most dangerous with the highest addiction rate to some medication that could be abused.
It’s better to search a Drug Possession Lawyer Charlottesville that can give you legal advice on your situation. But to have a general idea you should know how they are categorized and what consequences to expect.
Substances like heroin and ecstasy are the most dangerous. They have the highest addiction rate and can provoke many mental and physical problems. They are classified as schedule I drugs.
Morphine and methamphetamine together with other substances form schedule II and are as dangerous and addictive as drugs classified in schedule I, the main difference being that in special circumstances they can be used as medication.
Schedule III drugs have a much lower rate of addiction. Although slower they can have the same health-destroying effects. They too are used as a medication for some conditions. This category contains drugs like opioids and anabolic steroids.
Substances from schedule IV are more medication than drugs, but they are still dangerous. Substances like valium, Ambien, tramadol, and Darvocet are mostly used as a medication, but if you are caught holding such substances in your possession without medical recommendation you will be charged with possession of controlled substances illegally, and you may need to search Defense Attorneys Charlottesville. In such circumstances you will need to prepare for a trial.
Schedule V and VI classifications contain substances that are only medication. If you are caught abusing these for recreational purposes, you’ll get a fine at most and you are free. Substances from schedule I to IV are substances that can send you to jail, from six months those from schedule IV, to 10 years those from schedule I and II.
Drug possession will become a felony if some conditions are met. It’s best to look for a Drug Possession Lawyer Charlottesville to analyze your case, tell you of what accusations you may face and how it would be best for you to proceed.
If your circumstances are dire you should search for Defense Attorneys Charlottesville who have experience in similar cases. Speak with them and choose the one that got the best results in their drug possession cases.
The treatment program for addicts
If it’s proven of only drug possession without the intention to sell and it’s determined that the defendant suffers from addiction, he can be introduced in a drug treatment program. The program was made to help people with addiction problems. It will help them to escape addiction, find a job and have a normal life. This is the best-case scenario for someone accused of drug possession.
There is a probation period, where addicts are monitored and several tests are made to ensure their will to cooperate. Although in the initial phase relapses are expected and are not punished in any way, in the long term the goal is to get rid of the addiction completely.
Resource box: Do not draw conclusions only from online information, every case has its particularities and is treated differently. The best choice you have is find a Drug Possession Lawyer Charlottesville , let him look over your case and give you legal advice about how it’s best to proceed. If needed, search as many Defense Attorneys Charlottesville as possible and choose the one that got brilliant results in similar cases.
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